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The ENS Coworking Space

Our Coworking Space is the heart of the ENS campus with a lot of space to work on your projects and let your creativity run free. Here, you will get the chance to increase your productivity, exchange ideas with your fellow students and get fedback from academic staff, mentors and external professionals.
The Coworking Space has a floor area of 250qm and is equipped with a kitchen, a coworking area with modular elements, working cabins and two open-plan offices for academic staff and research assistants. Located on the first floor of the library of Collegium Polonicum, it offers flexible access for members of the ENS community. Enjoy the features: WiFi, coffee, chill-out area and a soccer table.
Public opening hours: Mo - Fr, 11 AM - 5 PM
Copyright: Sebastian Pape

ENS Coworking Space

Copyright: Sebastian Pape

Space for individual work

Copyright: Sebastian Pape

Space for Group Work


The internship in Module D is mandatory and consists of 12 ECTS. It can be completed either locally or abroad. There are two options: a part-time or a full-time work placement. In case of a part-time employment, students can substitute the missing ECTS with workshops from the Viadrina Founders Center (Gründungszentrum) with 1 ECTS equating to 1 workshop (16 hours).
Students should make arrangements for internships on their own. The practical experience should correspond to the study program and refer to digital society. The Viadrina Career Center can also assist in the internship offers.

Upon submission of the completed application form (see below), the ENS Examination Board handles the acknowledgment of internships or work placements. In order to get their internship recognized, students must provide a confirmation certificate from their employer specifying their weekly workload, the internship period and the tasks completed.

More detailed information can be found in Attachment 3 of the Study and Examination Regulations applicable to you (2020 version or 2023 version).

Examination Board


The examination board of the MoDE makes sure that the terms of the regulations are complied with. They report on the development of the exams and the study periods to the faculties, give new input to reform the regulations and present the distribution of the module grades and the final grades. They decide on the transfer of study and examination credits as well as on the permission for exam registration and the examination dates.


Prof. Dr. Lauri Wessel (chairperson)
Prof. Dr. Agnieszka Vetulani-Cegiel (representative)
Prof. Dr. Philipp Hacker
Prof. Dr. Miglė Bareikytė

Academic staff:
Merle Pohl

Non-academic staff:
Dr. Björn Plötner

Valeriya Breducheva


For any questions related to your exams, please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Master's Thesis

  • Once you have completed all required modules / ECTS (please check §10 of the Study and Examination Regulations (SPO) applicable to you (2020 version or 2023 version), please send an email to the Examination Office (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) asking for admission to the Master’s thesis.
  • If all the criteria are fulfilled, you will receive a form (a "routing slip") from the Examination Office. Please enter your chosen first and second supervisor and let them confirm by signing the document.
  • The day on which your first supervisor enters your Master’s thesis title on the form marks the first day of the processing period (16 weeks for SPO 2023 / 8 weeks for SPO 2020).
  • Once the title is entered, please hand the form back to the Examination Office to get confirmation of your thesis’ submission date.
  • You need to hand in two paper copies and a digital version of your thesis at the Examination Office by the submission deadline.
  • The supervisors have six weeks to evaluate your master’s thesis. After that, you will agree with them on a date for your oral exam (Final Colloquium).

Double Degree

This section contains information for students pursuing the double degree at both European University Viadrina (EUV) and Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan (AMU). Please note that you must be enrolled at both universities. Additional points of consideration include credit transfers, internships and the registration of the master thesis. The below documents provide detailed information on the double degree requirements and essential processes at EUV and AMU.


Reach out to our administrative team to clarify your questions regarding your studies at ENS:

  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Study advisory service Viadrina)
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Study advisory service AMU)

Get in touch with the MoDE program coordinators:

  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Program Director Viadrina)
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.(Program Director AMU)

Got any questions left?