Dr hab. Agnieszka Vetulani-Cegiel
prof. UAM

Contact details
Office: CP 116
Office hours: By appointment (send me an Email)
Research Areas
- Civil society, non-state actors and political participation
- Regulatory environment for lobbying and policy advice
- Democratic governance, policymaking and transparency (EU and national level)
- Sectoral policies: online copyright law, media sector, the EU digital single market
Curriculum Vitae
Dr hab. Agnieszka Vetulani-Cęgiel is Associated Professor at the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland (UAM). She is Head of Research Unit of Politics and Governance of Digitalisation (Collegium Polonicum, UAM) and Associate Member of ENS. She holds an M.A. in European Studies (Faculty of Law and Administration, UAM, 2005), a PhD in political science (Jagiellonian University, 2012) and a habilitation in political science and administration (UAM, 2022).
Besides academia, she was a stagiaire at the European Commission (DG Information Society and Media, Luxemburg), 2007-2008. Next, she worked in the Office of the Committee for European Integration (Department for Institution Building Programmes, Warsaw), 2008-2010 and continued as a Consultant for EU-funded projects (BBF, Poznan), 2010-2013. Since 2015, she is a Member of the Civic Legislative Forum (Stefan Batory Foundation, Warsaw).
Her research concentrates on interest groups and their political activity in the public sphere (EU and national levels). She explores lobbying and policy advice in policymaking and legislative processes and links them with regulatory environment and, more broadly, with democratic governance. She also looks at changes brought about by digitilisation processes in related issues (political participation, interest representation, campains and lobbying strategies, regulatory governance, stakeholder consultation etc.). Among other interests lay legal apsects of the aforementioned issues, as well as the development of sectoral policies such as copyright law, media sector, the EU digital single market.
She is author of two monographs (2014, 2020) and co-editor of another one (2018), she has recently published in Interest Groups & Advocacy (2021) and Journal of European Integration (2021). Her work has been supported by grants of the National Science Centre Poland (2014-2020) and the German-Polish Science Foundation (2020-2022).