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EWCA Conference, University of Limerick (Ireland), 11-14. June 2024,


13.6.2024: Students Critical Perceptions of Using AI for Researching International Relations (An I-Poem Performance)


14.6.2024: Writing centers with/out AI: Insights from the SKILL Project (Oral Paper Presentation)

Participants: Julius Voigt (Presenting Author), Katrin Girgensohn (Presenting Author), Margret Mundorf (Co-Author), Sassan Gholiagha (Co-Author), Bernd Fröhlich (Co-Author), Dora Kiesel (Co-Author), Jürgen Neyer (Co-Author), Irene López Garcia (Co-Author), Patrick Riehmann (Co-Author), Mitja Sienknecht (Co-Author), Benno Stein (Co-Author), Matti Wiegmann (Co-Author), Magdalena Wolska (Co-Author)

Link to presentation

Lernkulturen in der Digitalität gestalten. Potenziale, Konzepte und Praktiken, Universität Vechta, 27.-28.7.2024


28.6.2024: Kritisches Denken lernen und Kritisches Lernen denken mit KI im Forschungsprojekt SKILL (Oral Paper Presentation)

Participants: Julius Voigt (Presenting Author), Katrin Girgensohn (Presenting Author), Margret Mundorf (Co-Author), Sassan Gholiagha (Co-Author), Bernd Fröhlich (Co-Author), Dora Kiesel (Co-Author), Jürgen Neyer (Co-Author), Irene López Garcia (Co-Author), Patrick Riehmann (Co-Author), Mitja Sienknecht (Co-Author), Benno Stein (Co-Author), Matti Wiegmann (Co-Author), Magdalena Wolska (Co-Author)

Link to Video

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 EARLI SIG Writing: The 20th biennial SIG Writing conference at Paris Nanterre University, Nanterre, France, from 26-28 June 2024.
28.6.2024 Research Based Learning with AI at the Social Science AI-Lab for Research Based Learning (SKILL) (Oral Paper Presentation)

Participants: Julius Voigt (Presenting Author), Katrin Girgensohn (Presenting Author), Margret Mundorf (Co-Author), Sassan Gholiagha (Co-Author), Bernd Fröhlich (Co-Author), Dora Kiesel (Co-Author), Jürgen Neyer (Co-Author),Irene López Garcia (Co-Author), Patrick Riehmann (Co-Author), Mitja Sienknecht (Co-Author), Benno Stein (Co-Author), Matti Wiegmann (Co-Author),Magdalena Wolska (Co-Author)

Link to video

Link to ppt

 Learning AID, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 2.-3.9.2024

Impulsbeitrag: KI, Forschendes Lernen und Kritisches Denken – ein idealer Dreiklang?


Participants: Julius Voigt (Presenting Author), Katrin Girgensohn (Co-Author), Margret Mundorf (Co-Author), Sassan Gholiagha (Co-Author), Bernd Fröhlich (Co-Author), Dora Kiesel (Co-Author), Jürgen Neyer (Co-Author), Irene López Garcia (Co-Author), Patrick Riehmann (Co-Author), Mitja Sienknecht (Co-Author), Benno Stein (Co-Author), Matti Wiegmann (Co-Author), Magdalena Wolska (Co-Author)

Tagung des Instituts für Schreibwissenschaft, Universität Bremen, 21.-22.11.2024

KI-écriture – Zwischen Forschendem Lernen, Kritischem Denken und Politikwissenschaft. (Data Session)

Participants: Julius Voigt (Presenting Author), Katrin Girgensohn (Presenting Author), Margret Mundorf (Co-Author), Sassan Gholiagha (Co-Author), Bernd Fröhlich (Co-Author), Dora Kiesel (Co-Author), Jürgen Neyer (Co-Author), Irene López Garcia (Co-Author), Patrick Riehmann (Co-Author), Mitja Sienknecht (Co-Author), Benno Stein (Co-Author), Matti Wiegmann (Co-Author), Magdalena Wolska (Co-Author)

abstract: Magdalena Wolska, Sassan Gholiagha, Mitja Sienknecht, Dora Kiesel, Irene López García, Patrick Riehmann, Matti Wiegmann, Bernd Fröhlich, Katrin Girgensohn, Jürgen Neyer and Benno Stein (2024) Argumentation and Domain Discourse in Scholarly Articles on the Theory of International Relations: Annotation and Baseline Models. Submitted to the 4th Workshop on Computational Linguistics for the Political and Social Sciences (CPSS) 


64th ISA Annual Convention, Montréal, Canada. 15-18.03.2023. Panel “Between Interpretation and Explanation: Using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in International Relations (organised by Sassan Gholiagha & Mitja Sienknecht)

Paper presented: “A New Kid in Town: Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition in International Relations”

16th EISA Pan-European Conference on International Relations, Potsdam, Germany. 6-9.09.2023: Paper presentation: “A New Kid in Town: Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition in International Relations” (presented by Sassan Gholiagha, Mitja Sienknecht, and Jürgen Neyer) 

 IB-Sektionstagung, Zeppelin Universität Friedrichshafen, 14. - 16. June 2023

Paper presentation: “Arguing with Machines - AI, Machine Learning, and Natural Language Processing as an Epistemological Game Changer in IR Scholarship”, (presented by Sassan Gholiagha, Mitja Sienknecht, and Jürgen Neyer) 

Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation (ISSA-2023)

abstract and talk: Magdalena Wolska, Bernd Fröhlich, Katrin Girgensohn, Sassan Gholiagha, Dorothea Horst, Dora Kiesel, Juergen Neyer, Patrick Riehmann, Mitja Sienknecht, Benno Stein (2023) “Argumentation and domain discourse in scholarly articles on political science”. Presentation at the 10th Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation (ISSA-2023)

European Association for Teaching Academic Writing (EATAW)-Konferenz an der Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Winterthur, Switzerland, vom 5.-7. Juni 2023, Poster-Presentation: ‘SKILL: A social science lab for inquiry-based learning with AI’ 

Co-Presenters: Katrin Girgensohn and Margret Mundorf

Link Poster

abstract and talk: Magdalena Wolska, Bernd Fröhlich, Katrin Girgensohn, Sassan Gholiagha, Dorothea Horst, Dora Kiesel, Juergen Neyer, Patrick Riehmann, Mitja Sienknecht, Benno Stein (2023) Argumentation and domain discourse in scholarly articles on political science. Presentation at the 10th Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation (ISSA-2023) 

Paper: Girgensohn, K., Mundorf, M., Gholiagha, S., Voigt, J., Fröhlich, B., Kiesel, D., Neyer, J., López García, I., Riehmann, P., Sienknecht, M., Stein, B., Wiegmann, M., & Wolska, M. A. (2023). Forschendes Lernen mit KI im Sozialwissenschaftlichen KI-Labor für Forschendes Lernen (SKILL). Advance online publication. (1148 KB / Forschung zu Wissenserwerb und Lehr-/Lernprozessen; 3).

International Workshop “AI Technology as Interactional Human Culture: Language, Data Practice and Social Struggle” at European-University Viadrina (March 30 &31, 2023).

Presentation: The Making of am AI: AI/ML and Pattern Recognition in IR (presented by Sassan Gholiagha, Mitja Sienknecht, and Jürgen Neyer