Maryam Tatari is a graduate research assistant at the Chair for Sociology of Technology and a member of the Science and Technology Studies group at ENS. She obtained her Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering from Amirkabir University of Technology, in Tehran, Iran, followed by a Master of Arts in Science and Technology Studies from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) in 2019. In her Master’s thesis, she worked on how the change in media technologies and the rise of video-on-demand influence European integration.
Maryam worked as a graduate research assistant at TUM on the project Coding Public Value (PI: Prof. Dr. Jan-Hendrik Passoth) from June 2020 until July 2023. Within this project, she worked on alternative ways of bringing values into the software engineering process, focusing on the design and development of public service media (content recommender) platforms.
In her doctoral research (supervised by Prof. Dr. Jan-Hendrik Passoth), she focuses on how fairness is perceived by different stakeholders, negotiated and embedded in ARD online media libraries. She has already shared some interim results of her research at various European conferences like EASST 2022, RIPE @ 2022, Nordic STS 2023, and STS Italia 2023.